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The Sneetches and Other Stories史尼奇及其他故事


作者:Dr. Seuss 著





沙 滩上住着一群史尼奇,有的肚皮上有颗星星,有的却没有。就是这么微小的一个差别,却让星肚史尼奇趾高气扬,在他们眼中,肚皮上没有星的史尼奇好像不存在一 样,不仅大人之间不交往,孩子们也从小就不在一起玩。可是有一天,狡猾的老麦克猴给他们上了一课。老麦克猴的机器,一会儿贴星,一会儿去星,折腾得不亦乐 乎。最终,史尼奇们认识到,史尼奇就是史尼奇,不管有星还是没星。尽管他们的财富被骗走了,但他们却明白了一个重要的道理:抛弃歧视,平等待人。
本 书写于上世纪六十年代,是美国反对种族歧视风起云涌之时。反对歧视的理由很多,而这个故事的最高明之处,就在于它用孩子都能够读懂的情节说明,歧视是荒谬 和愚蠢的。故事设计精妙,老麦克猴的精明商头脑将歧视的荒谬本质揭露无遗。故事的高潮就是沙滩上那一幕,史尼奇大摆长龙,排队贴星,紧接着,又排队去星, 两条长龙排成了八字,一进一出,老麦克猴的钞票堆成一座小山,史尼奇却被自己的愚昧摆布,直到花光了最后一分钱。

"Now, the Star-Belly Sneetches / Had bellies with stars. / ThePlain-Belly Sneetches / Had none upon thars." This collection offour of Dr. Seuss's most winning stories begins with thatunforgettable tale of the unfortunate Sneetches, bamboozled by oneSylvester McMonkey McBean ("the Fix-it-up Chappie"), who teachesthem that pointless prejudice can be costly. Following theSneetches, a South-Going Zax and a North-Going Zax seem determinedto butt heads on the prairie of Prax. Then there's thetongue-twisting story of Mrs. McCave--you know, the one who had 23sons and named them all Dave. (She realizes that she'd be far lessconfused had she given them different names, like Marvin O'GravelBalloon Face or Zanzibar Buck-Buck McFate.) A slightly spookyadventure involving a pair of haunted trousers--"What was I scaredof?"--closes out the collection. Sneetches and Other Stories isSeuss at his best, with distinctively wacky illustrations andingeniously weird prose. (Ages 4 to 8) --Paul Hughes --This textrefers to the Library Binding edition.

Dr. Seuss ignites a child's imagination with his mischievouscharacters and zany verses. The Express



The Star-Bellied Sneetches have bellies with Stars, but the Plain-Bellied Sneetches have none upon thars! Rivalries rocket when Sylvester McMonkey McBean steps in to prey on their prejudices, but in the end we realise that prejudice is nothing more than a rediculous waste of time. With his unique combination of hilarious stories, zany pictures and riotous rhymes, Dr. Seuss has been delighting young children and helping them learn to read for over fifty years. Creator of the wonderfully anarchic Cat in the Hat, and ranked among the UK's top ten favourite children's authors, Seuss is firmly established as a global best-seller, with nearly half a billion books sold worldwide. As the first step in a major rebrand programme, HarperCollins is relaunching 17 of Dr. Seuss's best-selling books, including such perennial favourites as The Cat in the Hat, Green Eggs and Ham and Fox in Socks. In response to consumer demand, the bright new cover designs incorporate much needed guidance on reading levels, with the standard paperbacks divided into three reading strands - Blue Back Books for parents to share with young children, Green Back Books for budding readers to tackle on their own, and Yellow Back Books for older, more fluent readers to enjoy. The Sneetches and Other Stories belongs to the Yellow Back Book range.

苏 斯博士的小故事寓意颇深。肚皮上有星星的Sneetch人自认为自己比肚皮上没有星星的Sneetch人高级,他们过着高人一等的生活。所以当狡猾的钱先 生出现的时候,用一架给肚皮加星星的机器赚了不少钱。后来,有星星的Sneetch人又开始花钱要去掉自己身上的星星……