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Good Boy, Fergus!!


作者:大卫·香农(David Shannon)


出版社:Scholastic Press



 Fergus doesn't mean to cause trouble-it's just that it's too much fun to bark and dig and chase and pulll. Don't expect him to come when you call-it's fergus' job to be the boss of the neighborhood, right? So watch out, cats! And watch out, birds! Here's a dog who loves to be in charge- and ther's plenty of mischief involved. Woof!


 From Booklist
K-Gr. 2. Fergus is a West Highland terrier, sort of an antihero to Rosemary Well's doggie, McDuff. He goes wild when he sees a cat, won't come when he's called, eats the daisies, and puddles in the wrong places. Of course, he's not entirely to blame; his unseen master is the sort who tells him not to beg, then slips him a tidbit, and puts whipped cream in his food bowl after the original offering gets only a disdainful sniff. This book is all about the impressive, oversize visuals--pictures that show the adorable doggie in full canine-caper mode: leaping, chasing, digging, not rolling over on command. And the expressions on Fergus' face perfectly mirror those of many pets who have the innocent look down pat: "Who me?" However, the best audience for this will be children old enough (or experienced enough with dogs) to catch the humor. Fergus has made cameo appearances in other Shannon books. Come to think of it, maybe he's not so much a counterpoint to McDuff as he is Shannon's David in fur. Ilene Cooper
Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved

From School Library Journal
PreSchool-Grade 2–Reading this story is like having a romp with the funniest dog in town. As the book opens, two lines of text (Good morning, Fergus!/Want to go out?) frame the irrepressible face of a furry white terrier, black button eyes glistening with excitement. Subsequent pages feature the pups adventures chasing cats and motorbikes, scratching and being scratched, playing in the dirt, begging for meatballs, and riding in the car. No matter what the animal does, his masters refrain is…you guessed it. Readers see everything from a terrier-sized perspective, and they rarely see anyone but Fergus. When he is trampling his owner to request a walk, they catch just a glimpse of a human face. The motorcyclists face is so covered with gear as to be generic. The more intimate portraits here are of things of interest to Fergus–spaghetti and meatballs, for example, or the whipped cream that he likes on his kibble. Shannons artwork is like an overstuffed sofa: colorful, homey, and bouncy. A riotous book to unleash on all readers–even those who own cats.–Susan Weitz, formerly at Spencer-Van Etten School District, Spencer, NY 
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


 Fergus doesn't mean to cause trouble-it's just that it's too much fun to bark and dig and chase and pulll. Don't expect him to come when you call-it's fergus' job to be the boss of the neighborhood, right? So watch out, cats! And watch out, birds! Here's a dog who loves to be in charge- and ther's plenty of mischief involved. Woof!