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Froggy goes to bed


作者:Jonathan London


出版社:penguin group



It s the end of the day and Froggy is "too pooped to pop". But that doesn t stop him from prolonging his bedtime. He has to find his boat before his bubble bath, and then his pajamas, his toothbrush and his huggy. And before his mother can get him tucked in he needs a snack and a drink, the closet door has to be closed, the bedroom door opened just right and his nightlight turned to low. Poor mother frog is getting pretty tired herself, but Froggy insists on a story. As mother begins to read, she drops off to sleep and begins to snore. Only then does Froggy close his eyes and fall soundly asleep. Jonathan London has written a gentle, funny story of bedtime delayed, full of wonderful, expressive illustrations and silly sound effects, that will delight and amuse all pre-schoolers. And as they watch Froggy s staying-up antics, many will recognize a little of themselves in the story. This is a book that is sure to become a bedtime favorite and a nice addition to all of London s Froggy stories.


We love Froggy books. We have them all. However, I was surprised to see Froggy "back-talking" his mother and telling her what needed to be done before he'd actually go to sleep. Since we already had the book, I chose to use this to teach my daughter that Froggy is wrong to talk back to his mother. We talked about how long it was taking Froggy and how this was respecting his mother when she told him to go to sleep. Ok book but lessons are endless.


It s the end of the day and Froggy is "too pooped to pop". But that doesn t stop him from prolonging his bedtime. He has to find his boat before his bubble bath, and then his pajamas, his toothbrush and his huggy. And before his mother can get him tucked in he needs a snack and a drink, the closet door has to be closed, the bedroom door opened just right and his nightlight turned to low. Poor mother frog is getting pretty tired herself, but Froggy insists on a story. As mother begins to read, she drops off to sleep and begins to snore. Only then does Froggy close his eyes and fall soundly asleep. Jonathan London has written a gentle, funny story of bedtime delayed, full of wonderful, expressive illustrations and silly sound effects, that will delight and amuse all pre-schoolers. And as they watch Froggy s staying-up antics, many will recognize a little of themselves in the story. This is a book that is sure to become a bedtime favorite and a nice addition to all of London s Froggy stories.