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Harris Finds his Feet 哈里的大脚


作者:Catherine Rayner


出版社:Little tiger press





 Harris asks his granddad why he has such enormous feet, and the whiskery old hare takes him on a series of adventures that show the youngster what he can do with them. Their outing includes joyous hopping "to the top of the world," contented digging, and life-preserving running (from a wolf in the distance), and end when worn-out Grandad leaves Harris to go forth on his own. The tale, told completely in spreads with one short block of text to each one, suffers from a lack of momentum, narrative tension, and a satisfying conclusion. Also, the absence of detail in either foreground or background art, suggesting to some the openness of the countryside, may give others the impression of wasted space. The screen print, watercolor, and ink illustrations, though lovely and evocative, don't do enough to make up for what the writing leaves out. Rayner's Augustus and His Smile (Good Bks., 2006) gives children a glimpse of this artist and illustrator's vast talent.—Lisa Egly Lehmuller, St. Patrick's Catholic School, Charlotte, NC 


 Little hare Harris wonders why he has such huge feet. With Granddad’s guidance, though, he starts to learn what he, and his feet, can do: bounce high, dig cool spots on hot days, and run “fast as fast” from potential danger. Soon, Harris is ready to explore new places on his own, confident that “his big, strong feet can take him to the end of the world and back home again.” In descriptive prose that incorporates dialogue and word repetition, Rayner portrays a child’s familiar challenges and rewards as he faces beginning independence. The noteworthy color-washed, textured illustrations emphasize Harris’ supportive, affectionate family relationships and range in mood from the whimsical (Harris using his feet as sun shades) to the dramatic (Harris facing the looming shadow of a wolf). Charmingly illustrated, this affirming story, with its expressive rabbit characters, will encourage kids to explore their own talents and the wider world with confidence. Preschool-Grade 2.